

Review badge

When you review someone's code what do you use as format? I think review badge is an useful and utilitly way to show how...

[Chromium] I came acrros `XXX vpython No Such File`

I came across the problem that was very similar as a follow (I made a comment in this thread!) But I found a valuable ar...

If you get an error ‘Error: Cask virtualbox depends on hardware architecture being one of [{:type=>:intel, :bits=>64}], but you are running {:type=>:arm, :bits=>64}.’ when executing`brew install –cask virtualbox`

Problem When I do the command as a follow I came across this error. brew install --cask virtualbox Have you experienced ...

[Docker/Mongodb] Authentication Failed when connecting mongodb server even if you set correct name and password

Artifact Problem I create this artifact by docker compose before executing compose inside directory $ ls -a docker-compo...

[Kotlin/Android] How do you prevent crashing your application when notifing to flutter through event channel?

Problem Don't you always come across a problem?!?! (<= Please don't say so : < ) I came across Android application crash...

[Android]Kotlin How to capture and show the video which is captured by WebRTC (Sora)

In my situation, I use Sorawhich have been being developed by Shiguredo. Concisely, This libraly is libwebRTC wrapper. W...

[Kotlin/Android] How to get boundry values from `Range` type

Cause I'm implemeniting Android camera appllication and often retrieve range value of some characteristics. For example ...

[Android/Kotlin] How to request changing camera settings continuously?

Camera2 Cmaera2 is the android official package that makes developers being able to develop various camera characteristi...

[nodejs/mongodb] Data in mongodb can’t be updated but working only root db url

problem The following code does work. const MONGODB_URL = `mongodb://${process.env.DB_USERNAME}:${process.env.DB_PASSWOR...

[Flutter/Dart] How to change icon of grabbing and ungrabbing.

Preparation You have to use StatefulWidget or HookWidget You can implement it without any event conflicts by using Liste...