

[Jetpack Compose / Android] How to separate assembling your application file

Prerequisites You already defined productFlavor in your module level build.gradle.kts. productFlavors { create("developm...

[Android/Jetpack Compose] How to migrate Data Access Object (Android Room) with re-writing the column name?

When you want to migrate your app-database created by Room you have to do migration for notify the system to change some...

[Android/Jetpack Compose] how to use `context` in Unit test?

You may want to use context in your unit test in jetpack. But if you do nothing you may get error some kinds of context....

How to prevent contents overwrapping by keybord?

Problem I've implemented textfield features to create login screen. But textfields doesn't show because of overwrapping ...

[Android/Jetpack Compose] Coil ~cache network images for either device or memory~

What is Coil? Coil is an image loading library for Android backed Kotlin Coroutines Detail information is here. You can ...

[Android/Jetpack Compose] Json Serearization ~ How to ignore missing fields ~

What I faced on the problem When I retrieve the json data from API, I faced an issue. The error occured when retrieving ...

[Android/Flutter] How to build your `aab` file as a production build?

You just write down on the console flutter build appbundle --dart-define=FLAVOR=production --release --flavor production...
Jetpack Compose

[Android/Jetpack Compose] Basic philosophy of developing android application

About When you initialize to develop android application, you have wondered which tools or liblralies should you use. I ...