
Jetpack Compose

[Kotlin/Jetpack Compose] How to put on the limitation of version code for lambda

Answer If you want to add the limitation of version code for lambda you can do the below. checkManageExternalStorageCall...

[Android/Jetpack Compose] How to migrate Data Access Object (Android Room) with re-writing the column name?

When you want to migrate your app-database created by Room you have to do migration for notify the system to change some...
Jetpack Compose

[Android/Jetpack Compose] Basic philosophy of developing android application

About When you initialize to develop android application, you have wondered which tools or liblralies should you use. I ...
Jetpack Compose

[JetpackCompose/Android] DAO object doesn’t update and how to solve this

Tech stack Jetpack Compose Room⭐️ //related this article Daggar hilt In my case, I had to update the room object through...

[Jetpack・Android] How to resolve the problems arround gradle

A problem When I try to incorporate a package of hilt with using ksp, I came across the several errors and was not able ...
Jetpack Compose

[Jetpack Compose / Kotlin] How to solve Unable to load class ‘org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.pm20.KotlinCompilationData’.

Cause of Problem This error is caused by missing version defining. When I was getting the title's error I've defined com...

[Kotlin/Android] How do you prevent crashing your application when notifing to flutter through event channel?

Problem Don't you always come across a problem?!?! (<= Please don't say so : < ) I came across Android application crash...

[Android]Kotlin How to capture and show the video which is captured by WebRTC (Sora)

In my situation, I use Sorawhich have been being developed by Shiguredo. Concisely, This libraly is libwebRTC wrapper. W...

[Kotlin/Android] How to get boundry values from `Range` type

Cause I'm implemeniting Android camera appllication and often retrieve range value of some characteristics. For example ...

[Android/Kotlin] How to request changing camera settings continuously?

Camera2 Cmaera2 is the android official package that makes developers being able to develop various camera characteristi...