Jetpack Compose [Kotlin/Jetpack Compose] How to put on the limitation of version code for lambda Answer If you want to add the limitation of version code for lambda you can do the below. checkManageExternalStorageCall... 2024.07.24 Jetpack Composekotlin
Android [Android/Jetpack Compose] How to migrate Data Access Object (Android Room) with re-writing the column name? When you want to migrate your app-database created by Room you have to do migration for notify the system to change some... 2024.06.16 AndroidJetpack Composekotlin
Jetpack Compose [Android/Jetpack Compose] Basic philosophy of developing android application About When you initialize to develop android application, you have wondered which tools or liblralies should you use. I ... 2024.06.01 Jetpack Composekotlin
Jetpack Compose [JetpackCompose/Android] DAO object doesn’t update and how to solve this Tech stack Jetpack Compose Room⭐️ //related this article Daggar hilt In my case, I had to update the room object through... 2024.05.16 Jetpack Composekotlin
Android [Jetpack・Android] How to resolve the problems arround gradle A problem When I try to incorporate a package of hilt with using ksp, I came across the several errors and was not able ... 2024.05.06 AndroidJetpack Composekotlin
Jetpack Compose [Jetpack Compose / Kotlin] How to solve Unable to load class ‘org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.pm20.KotlinCompilationData’. Cause of Problem This error is caused by missing version defining. When I was getting the title's error I've defined com... 2024.05.04 Jetpack Composekotlin
Android [Kotlin/Android] How do you prevent crashing your application when notifing to flutter through event channel? Problem Don't you always come across a problem?!?! (<= Please don't say so : < ) I came across Android application crash... 2024.04.19 Androidkotlin
Android [Android]Kotlin How to capture and show the video which is captured by WebRTC (Sora) In my situation, I use Sorawhich have been being developed by Shiguredo. Concisely, This libraly is libwebRTC wrapper. W... 2024.04.18 Androidkotlin
Android [Kotlin/Android] How to get boundry values from `Range` type Cause I'm implemeniting Android camera appllication and often retrieve range value of some characteristics. For example ... 2024.04.15 Androidkotlin
kotlin [Android/Kotlin] How to request changing camera settings continuously? Camera2 Cmaera2 is the android official package that makes developers being able to develop various camera characteristi... 2024.04.12 kotlin