未分類 [Linux🐧]Oops!! My port has already bound!! How to kill it ? How to search the process that buinding the port? You can see it by th command! lsof -i TCP | grep 7878 /*result here*/ ... 2024.01.19 未分類
Rust [Rust🦀] Features Accomodating Everyday Rust features Features of the language connect some &str variables Best way Use to_string() let str1 = "Hello, "; let st... 2024.01.19 Rust未分類
Dart [Flutter/Dart]My project doesn’t have `analysis_options.yaml` in the root directory A question I could not find analysis_options.yaml in my project. And I didn't know how Flutter/Dart analyze errors and w... 2024.01.17 DartFlutter
Dart [Flutter/Dart💠]I read a valuable article about `null safety` I feel hazy about 'null safety' When I review the code written by my collegue by using Dart(Flutter), I came across the ... 2024.01.16 DartFlutter
Swift [Swift🕊️] `guard let` must not fall through ! I believed Swift could the following code like this. Swift guard let a = a else { assert(false, "This code would be comp... 2024.01.15 Swift
iPhone [Swift🕊️]I am implementing the app with external microphone As usual, I asked for ChatGPT on how to be able to use external microphone in iOS. And as usual, he/she answered with a ... 2024.01.10 iPhoneSwiftXcode
WebRTC [WebRTC🌈]WebRTC unknowing memo What is ScalabilityMode ? I asked to a Big teacher who is well known chatGPT and he/she said Me What is ScarabilityMode ... 2024.01.09 WebRTC
Dart [Dart💠]Dart 3 Tips (always updating) Switch function You can write switch function like the following code. Before Dart 3.0 final String os; switch (device) ... 2024.01.09 Dart
daily I would like to close this blog but …. I have planed to close this blog site but when I look my detail of my credit card. About $150 is dropped from my account... 2024.01.09 daily
Django [Python/Django🐍]Django Start Up settings.py 基本コマンド サーバーの起動(8080で。デフォルトは8000) python manage.py runserver 8080 プロジェクト作成 django-admin startproject project_name <path> ... 2023.06.11 DjangoPython